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Northwest Evaluation's MAP Test

(Measures of Academic Progress)

The NWEA MAP national standardized test is used to monitor progress in grades one through eight. This computer-based test is administered at our school in September, January, and May.

The purpose of the MAP Test is to show individual student growth in Reading, Language Arts and Math.  Students in Grades 5-8 also test in Science. The MAP test is unique in that it adapts to each child's level of learning.  The test provides the faculty and administration, students and their parents with ongoing benchmarks for tracking growth as students progress from grade to grade. St. Pius V School began this testing program in 2011.  

Faculty and administration utilize MAP results to set goals for individual and small groups of students. Parents and faculty use individual student reports as one of the tools to set learning goals for individual students.   

To learn more about MAP testing, view the Family Guide to MAP growth: